Saturday, July 5, 2008

6 Effective Ways to Lose Weight Now

The most effective ways to lose weight is change the way you eat and get into 'total body' workouts to banish the belly fat.

Below are 6 key points that you should start now to lose weight-

Effective Ways to Lose Weight

1. Set small manageable goals. If the problem seems too large you're more likely to give up. Set small goals which will lead to the bigger picture. A good start is reducing your food portion size or increasing your exercise by 10 per cent at a time.

2. Boost activity by building incidental exercise into your day - park further away from your destination and walk, take the stairs, walk and talk to colleagues instead of sending emails, offer to mow your neighbor's lawn, get up at least every hour and walk around. All the little extras combined can make a big difference to your health.

3. Keep Track - chart your progress to keep track of your workouts, improvements and what you put into your mouth. Whether it's fat loss, building muscle tissue or just feeling better, keeping a log will motivate you. When you see where you are and how far you've come, you'll realize you're making progress and you'll continue.

4. To lower your body fat naturally you must change the way you eat to one that is low in saturated fats and follows general healthy eating guidelines. This is what you need to do:

  • Use a variety of oils like canola, sunflower, soybean, olive and peanut;
  • Choose low or reduced fat milk and yogurt or 'added calcium' soy products;
  • Try to cut down or limit cheese and ice cream; Eat fish twice a week
  • Choose lean meat (trimmed of fat, chicken without skin);
  • Cut down on fatty meats like sausages;
  • Snack on plain, unsalted nuts and fruit;
  • Make vegetables and grain based foods such as cereals, bread, pasta and rice the major part of each meal;

  • Limit take away foods to once a week;
  • Limit cakes, pastries and chocolate or creamy biscuits to once a week;
  • Incorporate dried peas (split peas), dried beans (haricot beans, kidney beans), canned beans (baked beans) or lentils into two meals a week

5. Plan your workout sessions - keep track of your workouts, and vary it on a periodical basis. Once a month make it a point to mix it up and gradually increase intensity to your workouts using interval training and strength training!

6. Another effective way to lose weight is get wise and ask for help. In times of need, pick up your phone and call a trusted friend. If you Share your problems with positive people, you're much more likely to reach a solution that does not involve food!

The key to remember here is - plan well, improve your nutrition and work out effectively. This is where a program like The Truth About 6 Pack Abs has excellent in depth information on the most effective ways to lose weight which you can sustain for a LIFETIME. And for less than 5 Bucks - you will dicover what to eat and what not to eat when targetting for a lean body- and get inside secrets to the most effective multiple work out routines to turbocharge your metabolism.

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